It’s All for the Good…

Have you ever wondered what the next minute has in store for you? What turn your life would take in just next one hour or what changes are already in the process to completely transform you from what you are today?

Circumstances can be any , we should readily be prepared for everything. Obviously, we are unaware of what is coming but when it comes, be it good or bad…welcome it…as IT IS ALL FOR THE GOOD!!

Let us assume, we had the slightest hint of what is going to happen, it would have been so much better to be turning our steering just the way we wanted to overcome a tough situation or a bad day…(Wow!! I am so relieved to be not facing the mess)..however would you want to know a surprise that is on your way or the guy about to ask you or you topping your batch?? Ummm…you will be happy but the excitement?? it will be all gone.

Life is way better when you have unexpected happy moments, the joy doubles and you feel so much luckier and happier.

Good time and bad time comes, but we must hold tight..we should not worry about what has gone and what is coming. We should only think about present. We forget while running towards success or happiness and we become so selfish attaining it that it seems like a shock or torture when things don’t turn our way. As long as we don’t accept the “not so good days” , we won’t be able to cherish our today.. we won’t be able to celebrate the happy days..When we face tough situations…we know the value of easy days..when we can’t afford simple basic needs..we start valuing the things we earned with so much effort…when some one hates us…we realize the importance of people who love us.

So Folks, it’s just a snap and your time will come…what is happening..let it happen…as I said.. It’s All for the BEST and It’s All for our BEST…and It’s All for the Good 😊

3 thoughts on “It’s All for the Good…

  1. I love ur story sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the the way I love u princess…birender.

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